preis pro CD - price per CD Release:10€ + porto
(4€ in germany, ask for europe/outside europe..)
(so it's below 80cent per song but on CD - no lofi mp3s) want a CD?please email
1. the title and number of CD(s)/etc. you want (den titel und anzahl der Tonträger angeben)
2. your address and email and (adresse und email)
3. the way you like to pay preferably money bank transfer or paypal
(art der bezahlung: paypal oder überweisung ist am besten, Nachnahme kostet 3€ mehr (post))
if paypal: consequence / moogulator sends paypal ID or you use the support links: paypal (please add 3€ for paypal-fee then) money transfer / überweisung
BLZ37010050,postbank köln, kto.375776507,inh.:m.irmer
in EUROPE send to:
m.irmer BIC PBNKDEFF - IBAN DE68 3701 0050 0375 7765 07 or use Paypal